Theme B – Creating a Border Community

Key Topics in Santa Cruz County History

Santa Cruz County and the Heritage of the 1853-1854 Gadsden/Mesilla Purchase
Armando Moreno (2024), Oil on Canvas

B-1. How is Archaeology a Window into Santa Cruz County’s Ancient Past?

B-1 Special Focus: What was the Ancient Border Community at the Nogales Wash Site?

B-2. What are the roots of Santa Cruz County’s Hispanic Heritage?

B-3. How has the U.S.-Mexican Border shaped Santa Cruz County? (1848-2024)

B-4 Special Focus: What is the Significance of Santa Cruz County’s Railroad History?

B-6. What is Rio Rico’s History as Santa Cruz County’s Suburb?

B-6 Special Focus: The Lost Border Town of Calabasas

B-7. What is the Significance of Baca Float #3?

B-7 Special Focus: Recovering Justice via Family History in Baca Float #3 and the Santa Cruz Valley

B-8. What is the Significance of the 1918 Battle of Ambos Nogales?